Swollen lymph nodes in children, not infrequently cause question marks to parental panic. Keep in mind, lymph nodes are part of the immune system. Swelling that occurs, often a sign that the child is infected with a virus or bacteria.
Lymph nodes are shaped like beans. Among them are in the groin, armpits, and neck. This gland works with lymph fluid and nutrients and substances that are not used anymore. Lymph nodes include part of the body's defense against various causes of infection. When a child is infected with a virus or bacteria, the lymph nodes filter out lymph fluid, trapping viruses or bacteria that interfere, to then be destroyed by white blood cells.
HIV can attack anyone indiscriminately, even the accompanying symptoms can be experienced by men and women who are indeed at risk of getting HIV or AIDS. HIV infection if not treated can spread to the fetus in the womb. Find out the symptoms of HIV in women that are common here. In Indonesia, it is estimated that around 250,000 women of childbearing age suffer from HIV infection. Symptoms of HIV in women are generally not much different from men, but there are also some HIV symptoms that are especially found in female sufferers. In addition, there are also people who do not show symptoms of HIV but suffer from this disease. Although it is considered mild and easy to treat, the symptoms of HIV in the first two to four weeks since you are infected are symptoms that must be watched and anticipated. At this time, you are in a window period. The period also known as the "window period" is when you do not have a positive HIV test result, but already have this virus in your body...
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