Do you have a bump on the back neck? A lump in the neck is the part that is lumpy or swollen in the neck area. Lumps in the neck can feel hard, soft, painful or not. Most lumps and swelling under the skin are harmless and heal or disappear by themselves. However, that does not mean you can underestimate the lump.
There are many causes of lumps in the back neck or other parts. The most common lump is swollen lymph nodes. This condition is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections, cancer, or other rare causes.
Some Causes of Lumps in the Neck
Swollen glands or the appearance of lumps under the skin generally do not cause concern. Lymph nodes that are on both sides of the neck, under the jaw, or behind the ears can swell when you experience a sore throat or flu. Lumps in the neck or swollen glands usually develop when the body fights infections, both throat infections, sinus cavity infections, ear infections, colds, flu, insect bites, or small wounds. If a more serious infection occurs, it can cause the glands to swell and become lumps in the neck that are tight, hard, and sore. Lumps in the back neck or other parts can be:Swollen glands
Usually this is a sign of infection, such as flu / colds, sinusitis, and glandular fever. The gland tends to return to its original size when you recover. Swollen lymph nodes at the time of infection occurs because the body forms the immune system to fight the cause of the infection.
These lumps contain fluid that can disappear by itself without treatment. Cysts are usually small, soft, painless, and usually do not interfere if they are not enlarged.
Benign tumor
This is a benign tumor of connective tissue that can appear anywhere including the back of the neck and back. The mass is often felt soft and sometimes a little hard, dense, and painless. The treatment is surgery.
Lipoma or benign tumors originating from fatty tissue are also likely to appear on the back of the neck. Lipoma is a soft, springy, painless mass and the treatment is surgery.
Cushing's Syndrome
This syndrome is a disease that occurs due to increased cortisol levels in the blood. Cushing's syndrome can be caused by several things but the most frequent is the long-term use of corticosteroid drugs. Symptoms can include increased body weight, increased blood pressure, accumulation of fatty tissue on the face, back of the neck or upper back so that it looks like a lump, and stomach, easy bruising, weakness, or psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and feeling easily emotional. In women, menstrual disorders can occur.
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